“Library is the heart of educational institutions. Well-functioning heart keeps the body healthy and lively. Efficient library creates healthy educational atmosphere.”
by Dr.S.R.Ranganathan
The Library is the key to success of any educational institution. The Library of DevSamaj College for Women, Sector 45B, Chandigarh is housed in hall (measuring 6100Sq. ft) on the second floor of the college building. The Library hall is surrounded by noise free and inviting reading environment for the readers. The library hall has the facility to accommodate 100+ readers at a time to access the information resources available in the library. The library offers variety of services to its users comprising of Undergraduate, Postgraduate students, faculty and staff members of the institution. The interior of the library is enabled with Wi-Fi connectivity allowing the user to work within the library by accessing both offline and online resources. The Library has been subscribing 91 periodicals and has the collection of 22847 books and the others document in the subject fields of Humanity, Social Science, Information and Communication Technology, Fashion Designing, Management and other related areas. The library is also member of N-list programme of INFLIBNET and subscribing the e-resources of EBSCO database also. Currently, the library has access of 6000+ e-journals and 209324+ e-books through their service Providers/ Portals/Consortiums. The special collection of the library consists of CDs and DVDs. The library has a great collection of recreational books. The library is also member of NDLI CLUB of IIT Kharaghpur and National Digital Library of India. The library is also motivating the students to inculcate the reading habits among them.
The Library of the college aims to be the best in providing access to the world of information technology application. Our Inspiration are “The five laws of Library Science” enunciated by Dr. S.R.Ranganathan, the father of Library Science in India.
- Books are for use
- Every reader his/her book
- Every book its reader
- Save the time of the reader
- Library is a growing organism
Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 4 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 2 PM
Reading Hall: The library has fully air-conditioned reading hall with state of the art seating facility apart from a quiet and restoring ambience.
Internet: The Library is providing Wi-Fi connectivity to users to work within the library by accessing both offline and online resources. The library is also connected to LAN within the campus.
Book Bank: Books are issued to needy students General as well as Sc / ST students for whole semester.
New Arrivals: New additions of books, journals and periodicals will display at the entrance of the library.

The College library is fully automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) KOHA version acquisition, cataloging, circulation, catalog access and security protocols come under the purview of automation. The database of the library collection can be accessed by the user through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) using the software. OPAC enables searching through clusters like Author, Subject, Title, Keyword, class, Publisher, Place of Publication and so on.
Library Services
- Reference Service
- CAS Service
- Newspaper Clipping Service
- Lending Service
- Photostat Service
- Inter Library Loan
- Referral Service
- Career Guidance Service
Library Sections:
Sl.no. |
Sections |
1. |
General Book Section |
2. |
Text Book Section |
3. |
Reference Book Section |
4. |
Periodical Section |
5. |
Newspaper Corner |
6. |
Maps and Atlas Corner |
Library IT Infrastructure:
Sl.No. |
Particulars |
Total No. |
1. |
Computer |
7 |
2. |
Servers |
2 |
3. |
Printer |
3 |
4. |
Scanner |
2 |
The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System
RFID system installed in the college library is with latest configuration and technology. It ensures efficient service delivery and security with minimum human input. The RFID infrastructure include RFID Tags, RFID Reader, Security Gate, RFID Workstation.
EBSCO Database
The Library is also subscribing EBSCO e-books database. Through this database user can access 9,824 e-books in various subjects. The library user can read it and download any content of the book related to their area of interest.
N-LIST stands for National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for scholarly content. It is an initiative of MHRD under NME-ICT to extending access to e-resources to colleges in India. The library is member of N-List programme. It is providing access to more than 6,000+ e-journals and more than 1,99500 e-books through authorize username and password.
Circulation Rules
The teachers, staff and student of institution can borrow library material after library membership.
The rules are formulating to facilitate the library use rather than to constrain.
Membership Facilities: –
Membership is open to,
*All bona fide students of the institution.
* All the faculty members and staff of the institution.
Loan Privileges:
1 |
Teaching staff member(TS) |
25Books |
For 1 Semester |
2 |
Non-Teaching staff member(NTS) |
10 Books |
For 1 Month |
3 |
Undergraduate |
2 Books |
For 14 Days |
4 |
Postgraduate |
4 Books |
For 14 Days |
Condition of Loan:
- The library members are requested to bring library card while borrowing material.
- The borrower has to pay overdue charges of Rs 1/- per day if the book is not returned beyond the permissible period of loan.
- The reference books, periodicals and journals will not be issued out.
- The damaged book has not been received from the borrower. In case of any loss or damage the borrower have to replace the book either pay the cost of the book.
- The faculty and staff members must have to return all borrowing material before going on long leave or leaving the college.
- No reading material taken out from library without issuing.
- All belongings of the user must have kept outside in the property counter.
- If any member violating library rulesstrict action will be taken against the member.
- No due certificate assigned to member if all borrowed books and overdue charges are cleared by the member.
- The books are not transferred from one account to another without returning.
- The Librarian is empowered to recall any book at any time, if necessary.
- In case of loss of pass book, the librarian may be informed.” No Due Certificate” will be issued only on submission of the pass book.
- All the issued books should be shown to the security person at the entrance.
- The borrowers are advised to check the book at the time of issue and to call the attention of the librarian to any defects, marginal notes etc.
- The library staff reserves the right of searching a student in case of doubt.
Library Activities
- BooksExhibitions: The library organizes display of books out of existing collection on a particular subject to maximize the use of collection in the library. The library is also organizing books exhibitions timely to receive recommendations from faculty members and students for collection development.
- DEAR Club: The library has Set up Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) club to motivate its members to spend some time in the library to read other than textbooks. The club has over 60 members and has an Advisory Committee.
- Orientation Programme: At the beginning of every academic session, the library is organizing orientation programme for the new members of the library. In which users are introduce towards library collection and its usage, library services, different library sections and aware about online information resources.
- Motivation Programme: The library has a dedicated group of readers, who in turn organize different programme through DEAR club to promote reading habits among the fellow students.
- Library competitions: The library has the tradition of organizing library related competitions to inculcate the reading habits among students. The library organizing competitions like reference hunting, book finding and many more.
- Wall Magazine: wall Magazine aims to bring out the best and hidden talents of students through their creativity. The students are encouraged to contribute their original write-ups on topic of their interest. The best entry contributed to the wall magazine is awarded at the annual function of the college.
- Career guidance: The library assists college students with career guidance by informing them about various job opportunities. The library also provides the literature for competitive exams and interview preparations.
- Health Awareness: The Library displays current news items extracted from various magazines for the benefits of students and teachers of the college.
- ICT Update: The library displays current news items extracted from various Information and Communication Technology related magazines for the exclusive benefit of students and teachers of computer science in the college.
- Business Buzz: It is an endeavor by the students of commerce to display not only the latest but also relevant and meaningful business, commerce and management related information in the library for the benefits of students of the college.
- Voracious Reader Award: This award is given every year to the best user of the library on the basis of observations of using different services provided by the library.